Mission: Research about an exponential technology on the following 5 years, make a film about it and support that predictions with data during the presentation.
My role: Ideate, edit the film, and research about technological support that could make this technology possible in a near future.
Team: Ruben Rodrigues, Ella Hillered, Maria Eriksson, Joakim Toll
Duration: 5 weeks
Client: School project (Hyper Island)

The Challenge
During this group project, my most important role was on ideation while wondering about all the exciting use that VR could allow.
It was supposed to be an impressive product and to impress as a film. The goal of the ideation was to create a good ground floor for the development of a dystopian film showing the use of VR technology in the following 5 years.

The website of the product with their scientific support page.

The Process
Our intentions were to show a point of view on an Exponential Technology like Virtual Reality in order to warm about some possible negative effects and inspire the development of future products.
Our intentions were to show a point of view on an Exponential Technology like Virtual Reality in order to warm about some possible negative effects and inspire the development of future products.
We also considered an approach on "love and connection" with the impact that VR soon may have on wellbeing. That research made on that influenced most of the drama factor when we merged such a deeply human emotion with a dystopian view on tech.

On one hand, through our research, in the next 5 years by the analysis of the prices of the VR glasses and the yearly increasing number of users the technology will be much popular. The growing number of sales, users, and investments in the past years and we verified that VR is growing at an exponential rate. This technology is in high demand and also accessible to most people making it very likely to have a huge impact on our lives.
On the other hand, data from Google Earth combined with technologies like Face Recognition, Voice Synthesis, and all the expertise of the gaming industries, together, make a good ground of technical support to the product shown on the script. Made the software look possible to be developed in a near future, doable.

The Solution
We deliver a film and a prototype of a website- The film is not science fiction because is technically supported and explained on the web page, which you can see here on top. This fictional narrative explores science and technology in a truthful way, an effective way to storytell a product or a service. To inspire a team or a company in an insightful way.
Even though, it is a dramatic approach some spectators found the product very useful to deal with their sorrow opening a window of hope and relief. Approaching the need for Love & Affection.
UX design skills have come in order to have it human and technical grounded by the use of desk research, Starbucks interviews, and storytelling.

What have I learnt? I learnt how to show and promote a technological product, using film in an effective way - do not waste the audience time and being clear.
I have also learnt how to work remotely through Google Hangouts and Miro.
What was incredible about this? I enjoy be part of the change while having a product of my own. I have really taken ownership of this project!